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IDEAS | On Music

21cmediagroup / 17th September 2018 / News

“Do people NEED music? When we talk of needs, we usually are referring to the essentials of life—food, water, air, shelter, medical attention, and the like. Obviously attending symphony orchestra concerts doesn’t fall on that list, but I will be bold enough to say that all of us here do feel that they are also essential, albeit in a different way, one that is aesthetic, life-affirming and spiritual. We all believe there is more to life than mere physical existence. Surely music—and indeed, all the arts–are crucial elements in giving human life its greater meaning and sense of possibility. They help define what it means to be human.

Excerpt from a lecture at the Royal Philharmonic Society, London, UK – April 15, 2015

“I also happen to think, philosophically, that music can shed light on music, creating interesting juxtapositions and comparisons. From the micro-level, even within a piece any music that is worth anything is made up of variety and references and suggestions and alternations of character. It is all about variety: within a piece, within the first half of a program, within an entire program, within a month of programming, within a season, and over the span of eight seasons. To create an environment in which people are able to step back and see the bigger picture, and to notice similarities, notice trends, notice influences, notice rebellions against tradition – I think that is part of what an orchestra can do, to show music in all its complexity and variety.”

Excerpt from an interview with National Sawdust – January 23, 2017